২৭, নভেম্বর, ২০২২
Date: 27-11-2022
‘ No competition; no progress’ keeping this motto upfront, YKMC and MKMA is trying to prepare its pupils well-equipped to combat the 21st century conundrums and its challenges. Achievements little by little like today’s winning of Scientific Project Show under the banner of 44th National Science and Technology Week and Science Fair-2022( Upozilla Level) are showing the ways to the pinnacle of its vision. The Team of YKMC stood first in the projection of Louhajang Upozilla. Besides this as a team, members of the group achieved acclamation individually. Among them, Mahmuda Akter Minju took the first prize in impromptu speech on science, Tanjila Khanam Tamim earned the second position on the same competition and lucky Nuruzzaman Jahid bagged the third position duly. After all, YKMC seized the day and proved to be champion of the event. A big thanks to the participants and their patrons who tirelessly put their efforts under the guidance from the honourable principal Kamrul Huda. YKMC and MKMA are on the right track to reach the peak of their social responsibility and bring out revolution in education to the rural community like Louhajang. Days are beckoning like twinkling stars and YKMC and MKMA are rowing towards them! The winning team will take part in the district level under the same arrangement in coming November 29, 2022 in Munshiganj.
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Media and IT Committee